“What do you do when the game says, ‘game over’?”
The Drivers is a fast-paced, action-packed, science fiction adventure that will leave you questioning your daily actions.
Long after artificial intelligence and drones displaced most of the jobs on the planet, the fortunate and the very brightest live extraordinary lives. The mass-unemployed fight for survival in the wilderness. The children of the poor voluntarily leave their families to attend employment opportunity camps.
Ryland Grey finds himself a member of a mysterious group of people brought together to challenge the results of the decisions we all made for over a hundred years. He just wanted to make games.
He never expected to be the central player in someone else’s game – a deadly one that could change everything. Winning requires putting much more than his own life at risk but losing could cost humanity it’s last chance at redemption.
You can buy it on paperback or for Kindle exclusively at Amazon. It’s free on Kindle Unlimited.
Paul likes tacos.